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Ten Uses for a PolyPad

We’ve all grown up with PolyPads as the ‘old faithful’ in the tack room, the ‘lucky’ saddle pad that we wear at shows, the go-to. For many of us, it’s used day in, day out for years upon years – (read more about that here). But how many uses does a PolyPad actually have?

  • The Obvious – Under Your Horse’s Saddle

Designed for this very purpose, you’ll most commonly see a PolyPad under the saddle, keeping horses comfortable while they work. Maybe a little obvious, but you’ve got to start somewhere…

  • Bit Different – a Baby Changing Mat

Inspired by the Wimpy Eventer, Vic, who’s baby George was happy as can be on a PolyPad, whilst all services are attended to – see the cuteness here.

  • Rest Your Head – a Pillow

Travelling to shows, camping in the trailer, staying up with a colicing horse, a PolyPad is the perfect place the rest your head.

  • 40 Winks – a Bed

Caught short? A pile of PolyPads in a trailer or lorry is a welcome sight when you forget the blow up bed (or of course, when the blow up bed deflates the second you climb aboard)

  • Ruff Night – a Dog Bed

Whilst we do make a dog bed (shameless plug – find our pet range here), the idea was inspired from horse riders using the horse’s PolyPads are beds for their pets. Either gifted to, or stolen by said dog, we’re just happy they’re comfortable.

  • Warming – a Blanket

Okay, so maybe this one is a bit of a cop-out, but when you’ve forgotten your sleeping bag and you’re in a freezing lorry, you’re not going to say no to a warming pile of PolyPads…

  • Take a Bite – a Picnic Blanket

Horse shows are often spent between the collecting ring, the burger van and the ice cream stand. A PolyPad each will keep your and your friend’s sparkling white breeches clean from the grass – that is, until you spill ketchup on them (again).

  • Take the Weight off – a Cushion

Whether it’s sat in the office, on your fold-up chair or in the lorry, we’re no strangers to using a PolyPad as a little extra padding for the derriere.

  • Knees up – a Little Protection for Your Knees

From in the garden to cleaning tack, we’ve all used our PolyPads to alleviate knee strain. It only becomes a problem when our darling partners take the beautifully clean PolyPad out for a spot of gardening – right before show day.

  • Art Imitates Life – a Canvas

Perhaps not your intention (ever) but when your little cherubs take the felt tip to a bright white PolyPad to show off their art to the world, you can’t help but admire their taste. You can, however, be very annoyed and take the stain remover to it before anyone notices…