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Journey to the Shetland Pony Grand National – Layla and Rosie’s Story

The London International Horse Show is one of the biggest events on the Equestrian Calendar, and one of the shows many highlights has to be the adrenaline-fueled Shetland Pony Grand National!  For over 40 years, the Shetland Grand National has been raising money for good causes and inspiring the next generation of professional racing jockeys, and this year PolyPads will be following the journey of one such jockey!

With the upcoming trails day recently announced for the 4th April, we have been getting to know aspiring jockey Layla and her noble steed Rosie, ahead of the big day!

PP – How old are you Layla?

L – I am 8 years old.

PP – How long have you been riding?

L – I have been riding since I was 2, so 6 years in total.

PP- Have you ever participated in the Shetland Grand National before?

L – No I haven’t. This is my first year, as I have only just reached the lower age limit to participate. (8 years)

PP- What is your favourite thing to do with Rosie?

L – I am a member of the Rufford Pony Club, and we love to participate in games and showjumping.

PP – What made you want to participate in the Shetland Grand National?

L – I saw it at Olympia, and just couldn’t wait until I was 8 years old to be able to do it.

PP – When you aren’t riding, what’s your favourite thing to do in your spare time?

L – I love playing with my brothers and sister.

PP – What is your favourite subject at school?

L – My favourite subjects are Maths and Science.

PP – What is your dream job?

L – I would love to be a Vet!

PP – How old is Rosie, and how tall is she?

L – Rosie is 12 years old, and 37”.

PP – How long have you owned her?

L –I have had her for 6 years, she was my first pony.

PP – What does Rosie like to do, and what doesn’t she like to do?

L – Rosie loves everything! We do jumping, games, showing and even horseball!

PP – Has Rosie ever run in the Shetland Grand National before?

L – No she hasn’t, it will be the first time for both of us.

PP – How are you preparing for the trial’s day, what training are you doing?

L – I am riding everyday and having regular lessons. My mum has made me some hurdles to practise over as well.

PP – Last but not least, what is Rosie’s favourite treat?

L – She loves carrots and parsnips!

We cannot wait to see how Layla and Rosie get on, and we will be bringing you all the latest from the trials day in our next blog! For more information about the wonderful organisation behind it all, then head to www.shetlandponygrandnational.net/events.html